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Celebrate Progress

  When was the last time that you were frustrated in trying to learn something? If you can't remember, maybe it's time to learn something new -- something tough and challenging. Truly worthwhile endeavors are often struggles. The satisfaction comes not only in the final result, but also in the progress toward that final result. The best way to avoid a sad let-down once a goal is achieved is to enjoy the journey all the way thru. Celebrate your progress! Not so much that you feel finished, but enough so that you feel able. Celebrate progress, and then keep on progressing. As that beat poet and philosopher Harry X. Tudas once said, "Feel in the groove but continue to improve." -- doug smith
Recent posts

Start Positive

I went thru a grumpy period in my life. It was like a rut that was so deep no light could get in. It fed on its own bumpy grumpiness until that's all I could feel. Yuck. Forget that now. Now, I start with a positive thought. I could be wrong about finding the silver lining, but I've learned that I won't see the silver lining unless I look for it, and that's the place to start. Even the smallest positive effort has a positive impact. Let's start there. -- doug smith  

Let Them See You Work

If you can't seem to hire good performers with a solid work ethic, you might need to develop them. Maybe start by showing them what that looks like, or as John Maxwell has said "Know the way, show the way, and go the way." You know, walk the talk. I know a LOT of leaders who complain about work ethic. Maybe they need to let their people see them work... -- doug smith  

Freedom and Responsibility

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Expect the Best

People sometimes disappoint. Whether it is intentional, accidental, or something in between, it happens. People also intend to do their best. Our expectations influence our team members one way or another -- positive intentions and expectations are a better match than negative expectations and whatever happens next. Expect the best from people and let them know: nothing less will do. -- doug smith  

Things Change

Ever fall in love with a plan? We can plan so thoroughly that the plan feels invincible, but it's not. We can plan with such precision that we think we're ready for anything. We're not ready for anything. Things have a way of changing in ways we did not expect. If your plan was made before things hanged it's time to change your plans. We don't need to get upset. We need to get up and going. -- doug smith  

Work Your Philosophy

There's a lot of good advice out there. It's tempting to gather it all, gather some more, and then keep gathering. And, we should keep learning. Oh, and if we want to  put all that learning to use, we should use it.  Your philosophy only works if you do. -- doug smith

Set a Fair Price

Over-charging is the worst possible customer service. Charge a fair price. Amortize your costs if you have to, but keep your price affordable for the people who need your product or service most. Ir will pay off in the long run, and you'll feel better about it right away. -- doug smith