If you had to build a winning team, what kinds of team members would you recruit? I haven't ever heard anyone ever say that they'd start with subpar performers. No one wants to build a team of strugglers. Wouldn't we rather have a perfect team?
Ah, yes, but there are NO perfect performers, are there? We are all flawed. We are all in various stages of growth. Superstars, as well as subpar performers all need to grow, all need to develop. How do we do that best?
As high performance leaders we must do two fundamental things very well. First of all, we must support our team members. Give them the resources, the training, the attention, and the respect that they need in order to prosper.
The second fundamental we must master is to challenge our team members. Challenge them in ways that they've never been offered before. Give them tough projects, delegate them advanced tasks, push them beyond their initial expectations until they see their own potential as something to work hard on. To challenge people outside of their comfort zone we have to be aware of their limitations, aware of their emotional holds, and aware of their previous problems at achieving their goals. To do this, to excel as a leader by challenging others we must show respect. We don't mind getting stretched as long as it is with respect. The moment we disrespect anyone (no matter how noble our intentions may be) we have lost the capacity to truly stretch them.
Go for the results. Go for the possibilities. Go for the growth. And do it all with respect.
Showing respect opens more possibilities. Keep that door open!
-- doug smith
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