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Tackle Your Limiting Beliefs

Denver airport parking garage. Photo by doug smith

What stands in your way when it comes to achieving your goals?

Life will give us lots of obstacles. We have to learn how to deal with them. But, we also give ourselves some unnecessary barriers. We build walls out of our limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs are those thoughts that we believe so strongly that they prevent us from doing what would otherwise be possible. They are different from person to person, but they often sound like this: "I'm not good enough...they would never appreciate me...I failed at this before so why try again...that's the kind of person who always gives me trouble..." and on and on.

Our limiting beliefs are so deeply ingrained, many of them formed when we were very young children, that we often are not even aware that they are there -- or that they are limiting our possibilities.

Our job is to increase our possibilities and choices, not limit them. Not to take unnecessary risks or subject ourselves to danger, but to overcome the little hurdles that stop us from getting what we want.

What to do:

Take a moment to think about something that you want, and have wanted for some time, but have not made any progress toward achieving.

As you think of that, what do you think is stopping you from moving forward on that goal right now? What if you did?

When you identify thoughts that seem to be beliefs, pause, breathe, and test your assumptions around those beliefs. Are they really true? Do you have concrete evidence that they are true? Could things have changed enough that they might not be true at all or not true anymore?

We've all got more limiting beliefs than we need. Today's a good day to purge a few. I'm working on it -- how about you?

-- doug smith


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