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Be Your Best You

I wrote an aphorism that I wanted to share, but have held back because it sounds a little edgy; it sounds a little presumptuous, maybe even conceited. That's not my intention. So in order to share it, let me first share this: it's up to each of us to be our best. Whatever anyone thinks about us, that does not define us. What defines us is what we see in ourselves and how we put that into action.

How much clarity we bring to any issue, is completely up to us.

How courageous we are under pressure is not up to anyone else but us.

The degree of creativity we bring to the world depends on our daily practice and our willingness and discipline to develop that creativity.

Our compassion can not be given to us -- we must make it, feel it, show it ourselves.

It's true for you. It's true for me.

Your best you is up to you.

That keeps changing. That keeps growing. It's our lifetime project and adventure: perpetual improvement.

Now here's that aphorism that I was reluctant to share: don't blame me for not being who you thought I was.

You see, I can't control what you think. What I control is who I am - and who I become.

Hopefully, that will be helpful, useful, and fun.

What are you doing today to become more of your best you?

-- Doug Smith


  1. "Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anyone else expects of you.Never excuse yourself"- Henry Ward Beecher


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