What holds you back the most? For me, it's often that I over-analyze. I want to be sure. I calculate possibilities and assess risks so much that the energy can drain right out of the moment. And, when the moment is gone, we can lose the opportunity.
I'm working past that. I'm not quite at the point of the movie "Yes Man" (a great flick and a step in the direction of take the action, do the thing, just say yes!) but I'm better than before. Isn't that our job? To get better than before. To grow more. To keep going in the direction that set off in, to make things better?
You've got limitations. I've got limitations. All G-d's children have limitations. It's out job to grow beyond our limitations.
-- Doug Smith
It's called paralysis by analysis and it can drain the energy out of any project!At some point you just have to go NIKE...."Just Do It!"