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Build a Team that Works for Your People

How much time have you spent building your team?

That doesn't mean a fancy outdoor course with ropes and ladders and touchy-feely conversations in the woods. Conversations are a useful idea, but you don't need the snakes or mosquitoes.

What you do need is a team that gets along. What you do need is a team that talks things over, that is able to reach consensus quickly, that can argue without fighting, that can embrace new ideas without trashing the old. You want a team that works.

People work best when they work well together.

Individual performances improve. Collective performance multiplies. Goals become much more achievable.

Build a team that works for your people.

How do you do that?

- Remove rules that get in their way without adding value to your product or service
- Challenge people to be their best and to help each other get there
- Delegate with authority and follow-up with diligence
- Measure what matters and ONLY what matters
- Find out what your people want most from the team and create an environment that makes it possible

Fix what bugs your people, and you can leave the bug spray at home.

-- Douglas Brent Smith

To learn more, explore Building Your Team


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